Vital Tones Deep Sleep is a brainwave therapy for improving deep sleep / Slow-wave sleep (SWS).
Deep sleep is the constructive phase of sleep for recuperation of the mind-body system in which it rebuilds itself after each day. It is considered important to consolidate new memories.
Vital Tones Deep Sleep stimulates the brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus which plays a key role in deep sleep and states of consciousness.
Vital Tones Deep Sleep consist of two sessions.
Session 1 and 2 are 22 minutes long.
Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!
The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a full treatment you need to purchase our Pro version!
This application requires large headphones or high quality earphones with Left and Right placed correctly!
Get ready for a total natural healing.
Enjoy your explorations.